If you are tempted to make a YouTube channel and try to make money from it, this article has all the information you need to take the first steps to achieve this goal. Before you set off, arm yourself with patience and identify an effective tool to manage your money . Because they will not come very quickly, nor will there be many at first.
How do you create a YouTube channel?
To create a YouTube channel, you need a Google account . Based on the email address you have for this account, you also connect to YouTube, and once connected you can create your own channel by following a few simple steps.
You just have to try an action that requires a channel . That means uploading a video, posting a comment or creating a playlist. This is when you will see a prompt to create your channel. You just need to check your name and photo details and confirm that you want to create a channel.
If you want to create a YouTube channel under a brand or for a company, which you can manage from your Google account, you must log in to YouTube, access the list of channels and choose to create a new channel by clicking "Create New Channel" button. Then fill in the details to name your new channel and confirm your account, then press the "Done" button.¹
Rules for posting on YouTube
When you decide to make a YouTube channel you need to know the rules regarding the type of content you can upload.² Users of the platform can anonymously report content that they do not consider appropriate, in which case it is checked by the team YouTube and removed if it does not follow the usage policies.
In principle, you cannot upload explicit sexual content on YouTube or that promotes or condones violence against people based on gender, race, religion, nationality or sexual orientation. Also, the content must not contain threats or slander, or encouragement to do dangerous things, especially when it comes to children. Violent or gory content is also not approved by YouTube. Besides all this, if you want to make money from YouTube make sure you do n't violate copyright.
To monetize video content on your YouTube channel, you must apply to be accepted into the YouTube Partner Program. Before doing this, you need to meet some conditions:
Comply with all monetization policies, i.e. YouTube Community Rules, Terms of Service and Copyright, as well as Google AdSense Product Policies³
Live in a country where the YouTube Partner Program (PPY)⁴ is available
Have over 4,000 hours of viewing in the last 12 months
Have over 1,000 subscribers
Have an Adsense account connected.
If you meet these conditions, you can apply for PPY by clicking on the profile photo from the top right menu and then on YouTube Studio. Then, in the left menu, you need to press the button Generate money and sign the terms of the partnership program.
Then create an Adsense account, because through it you will receive the money. Just click on "Sign up for Google AdSense" and follow the instructions to create it and then connect it.⁵
Once you have signed the partnership terms and connected an Adsense account, your channel will be verified by the YouTube team. If you're accepted, you can set your ad preferences and enable monetization of your videos.
Keep in mind that if you fall below 4,000 watched hours or below 1,000 subscribers, you will automatically exit the program.
If you are rejected, you can make a new request after 30 days.⁶
If you're planning to make a YouTube channel to make money, you should know that, at least in the beginning, it won't come very easily and it won't be much.
YouTube gives the content creator 55% of the money they get from the ads shown during a clip, but the amounts vary based on many parameters. From the topic of the clip and the average age and gender of those watching it, to the demand of those who want to advertise in your videos. Because, just like Google Ads, an auction is held to identify the advertisers willing to pay the most for your audience.⁷
On average, a clip with 1,000 views generates about $2.50. Of that amount, about $1.38 goes to the content creator. Extrapolating, if you reach 1 million views, you can earn, on average, $1,400, and YouTube $1,100.
If you want a YouTube channel from which you can earn money, you should know that you have several options available to you. For each of them, however, you need to meet certain conditions.
You can earn income from display, overlay and video ads, or from members of your channel who make monthly payments in exchange for benefits you offer, a feature you can activate if you're at least 18 years old and have 30,000 subscribers. Another feature is the product shelf , where your followers can buy branded products that you feature, but for that you need to have 10,000 subscribers.
To monetize a YouTube channel you also have the Super Chat and Super Stickers features, where your subscribers pay to have their messages highlighted in chat streams, and YouTube Premium, where you get a portion of the subscription fee you o a subscriber pays to watch your content.⁸
Beyond these direct ways, a YouTube channel can also bring you income from the partnerships you can make with various brands . Something that happens almost naturally if you become very popular, because you will most likely be contacted by an advertising agency . Likewise if you do reviews for various product categories.⁹
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