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Președintele Casei de Pensii, Daniel Baciu, vine cu veşti bune pentru pensionari. O parte dintre pensiilor românilor vor creşte odată cu noua reformă, iar până în septembrie toate dosarele vor fi evaluate.

How to make money online from home

Today more and more people have understood that money has moved online. So, if you are wondering how to make money online from home, find out that it has never been easier.


It is enough to have a few hours to devote to your activity every day. However, what you need to know is that nothing happens overnight. To be able to get results you have to dedicate yourself to your project.

Any business, be it physical or online, begins to bear fruit only after it is established . So buckle up with some patience and let's see how to make money online:

1. Build your personal brand

If you want to make a lot of money online, then find out that fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how extroverted you are) YOU can be the subject of monetization. Be an influencer and see how they make money on the Internet simply and without much effort, including children who have not yet reached the age of majority. 

All you have to do is be as visible as possible online: on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok. Wherever there's room for popularity, you have to be too. The bigger your community, the more you'll earn!

18 ianuarie 2023

2. Open a YouTube channel

More and more people are earning today from Youtube. The good thing is that you don't even have to invest a lot to be successful. This channel is very popular among youth and children. So if you can make materials for them, you get to monetize quickly.

The most popular YouTube channels are those of gamers. If you're not a gamer, maybe you like doing slime or ASMR. On you can check exactly which are the best paying domains.

3. Dropshipping

Although dropshipping (at least as a term) is not so well known in Romania, it is a very good method of making fast money online, without much effort. According to Google Trends, the popularity of this activity is increasing every day. 

But what is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a business model where you promote a product and "clap" with the customer, but you don't stress about stocking or even shipping. The supplier is the one who stores, packs and ships the product on your behalf. You can use amazon, ebay, wish, aliexpress (as external platforms) and even olx, lajumate and other internal platforms. Oberlo is, again, a good option. 

The best way to do dropshipping is through advertising on Facebook, or through influencers. The latter can send direct messages to potential customers on social media.

4. Affiliate Marketing

If we talked about dropshipping, find out that affiliate marketing is very close in principle. The difference is that you organically (or not) insert an affiliate link to an affiliate customer's product on your blog or any frequently used social media channel. There are platforms like profitshare or 2performant that help you a lot in this regard. There you will also learn how to make money online by promoting other people's products. 

The more you engage and have a bigger and more active community, the better your chances of winning!


5. Make a blog!

If you have a blog, you automatically have a lot of monetization tools at your fingertips: from becoming a personal brand to affiliate marketing.

Of course, you don't have to expect overnight results. And in the case of a blog you have to think carefully before choosing your niche. Moreover, you need a community, and for that you need to be able to do some quality online marketing.

The most common ways to make money online through blogging are:

Affiliate marketing
Contests for bloggers
Niche Freelancing Blogging
Selling e-books
Selling online courses
Coaching and consulting activities
Paid membership plans
Sponsored reviews

6. Freelancing

If you know how to do something that others would find useful, then you can offer "micro jobs" online. In fact, what you do by freelancing is to sell your services directly to the interested entity, without being employed. The most popular jobs are on content/copywriting, interior design, online graphics, coding, material editing, etc.

There are many sites for every freelancing sector. For example, if you want to earn from writing or web graphics, you can use platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer or Upwork. 

To make money online as a freelancer you need to start by building a strong portfolio. Often this can mean offering free services to certain well-known firms as well. 

Once you build this portfolio you can start contacting bigger clients to increase your income.


7. Online translations

You don't necessarily need to be a licensed translator to do this. What you will definitely need is, however, to know at least one foreign language at an advanced level. If it's also a less popular one, that's even better. Mandarin, Japanese and Swedish are some examples of languages ​​that can bring you substantial income if you know them.

You cannot use tools like google translate for this job because you will quickly lose customers. What you can do, however, is use apps to improve your knowledge.

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