Profită de +100 idei de cum să faci bani online pentru începători și câștigă bani online gratis fără efort!✔️ Vezi cele mai bune 36 idei! 
Castiga bani rapid
Calificarea de Instalator Sanitar, sudor, lacatus sau electrician constituie un avantaj.

Candidatul Ideal

Cum ne-am dori sa fie viitorul nostru coleg:
  • Studii superioare de specialitate (Automatica si calculatoare, Electronica)
  • Cunostinte de operare PC (MsOffice nivel avansat)
  • Experienta relevanta in domeniu minimum 1 an
  • Persoana dinamica, organizata, orientata spre rezultate, cu bune abilitati de comunicare si relationare
Te asteptam in echipa noastra!


Descrierea jobului

Principalele responsabilitati:· Asigura suportul tehnic si asistenta soft si hard pentru reteaua interna de PLC-uri si calculatoare de proces.· Asigura intretinerea preventiva si curativa a aparaturii de automatizare din fabrica.· Asigura verificarea metrologica a aparaturii de automatizare (debitmetre, termometre), la intervalele stabilite de lege sau de normele interne ale Danone.· Asigura asistenta tehnica necesara pentru diagnoza si parametrarea soft a masinilor de ambalat complexe si a utilajelor din proces prevazute cu PLC.· Intocmeste proceduri specifice de exploatare a utilajelor si echipamentelor din dotare, in scopul facilitarii operarii de catre personalul din subordine.· Participa la puneri in functiune a unor echipamente noi si asimileaza cunostintele necesare pentru creerea de soft specific, in vederea optimizarii functionarii sau adaptarea acestuia la noi cerinte.· Intocmeste planul de intretinere preventiva pentru aparatele de automatizare din fabrica (debitmetre, conductivimetre, sonde presiune, sonde nivele, detectoare diverse, valve fluture si valve cu sertar, regulatoare Samson, regulatoare de presiune diverse, tablouri electrice, retea PLC. etc)· Propune si participa la elaborarea proiectelor noi de instalare a unor echipamente, in vederea alegerii aparaturii corespunzatoare scopului dar si care sa poata fi intretinuta corespunzator, presupunand costuri minime in exploatare.

Descrierea companiei

Our objective is to bring Health through food and beverages to the greatest amount of people. OPENNESS, PROXIMITY, HUMANISM AND ENTHUSIASM - our core values guide what we do throughout the world. They provide the basis for our management decisions and they are expressed in the attention we pay to the health of our consumers, to the quality and taste of our products and to the environment and society as a whole. DANONE Group brings together employees from many different cultures and backgrounds, each and every one subscribing to common values. We are constantly striving for innovation and we encourage the expression of talent by showing confidence in our people and giving them autonomy. DANONE Group is present in 120 countries around the world and has over 88.000 employees. Its major brands are: Danone, Actimel, Activia, Evian, Danonino, Wahaha, Aqua , Vitalinea, Volvic, Milupa, Nutricia, Nutilis . It is No. 1 worldwide for fresh dairy products and bottled water (by volume) and No. 2 worldwide in Baby food and Clinical Nutrition. Present in Romania since 1997, DANONE Romania is the leader on the fresh dairy products market; has one Fresh Dairy Plant in Bucharest and around 700 employees in all functions, all over the country.

Since its founding, Danone Romania has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to people and to fair employment practices. Danone Romania believes that the diverse work force helps the company realize its full potential. Recognizing and developing the talents of each individual brings new ideas to Danone Romania.

Danone Romania does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, national origin, disability, age, or covered veteran status. It is also Danone Romania's policy to comply with all applicable national and local laws pertaining to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity.

Inginer Automatist

27 ianuarie 2023